kitt turbo, #667 of the b.ay a.rea d.erby girls.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Everything has changed

You have no idea the amount of fun that was had at our first bout.
You have no idea. First of all, the SF ShEvil Dead won THAT'S MY TEAM BITCHES! That's right. We won. It was no easy contest, but through muscle and brains and sheer determination we beat the Oakland Outlaws to the roaring approval of over 750 paying onlookers. That's insane! Our first bout, and there was a 750 person + turnout?

Our goal was to skate and have fun at our first bout. Our goal was to have "some people there." Crazy. I think we owe most of our attendance to the works of the wily and unpredictable Iva Vendetta. She is our PR Mistress and Media Hoar. She's unrelenting. She has way too much responsibility within the league but somehow manages to flog herself into the wee hours of the morning when most of the league has no idea what exactly she's been up to or should be up to. All black magic to most of us. All we know is **750 people** were at our bout.

So that brings me to another topic I am sure other leagues are struggling with:

This league is non profit. (duh) It's run with a "for the skaters by the skaters" mentality. That said. We don't, for the most part, have the foggiest idea how to run a company. And that is plainly what we are trying to do. I can count on one hand how many of us
(I know of ) who have actually worked for a good-sized company and count on less fingers how many of those people where managers of budgets, projects, had any oversight, etc. We are the C-level staff. We are the makers of dreams.

So my points are two:
1-this is hard to do. I am one of the few and proud had-worked-at-a-decent-sized-company-with-marketing-and-pr-departments, and mostly, it's hard to explain all the stuff you want to explain at meetings without sounding like a bossy bitch. So I try and do it in little pieces. So far I think I am sucking at not sounding like a bossy bitch.

-There were still 750 people at our event that I had pretty much zero to do with (working on the new website: The league without any of my assistance (as if it where some grand prize) got 750 to cheer loudly at a venue with insurance, lights, dj, bands, the crowd had banners and signs, they had programs, there was beer, there were two sponsors for the event giving us $$ to be there. So, maybe I should just shut up? Eh?